Difference between Pimple and Acne

As I was surfing the net, I noticed that many individuals still doesn't know the meaning of difference of acne and a pimple. Acne and Pimple are not so different things, if you've read my first post defining acne and pimples, you will probably have an idea. Oh well I'm gonna explain it thoroughly this time to avoid confusion.

Acne or Acne Vulgaris is a skin disease/condition normally discovered during the puberty stage. Let me repeat, it is the skin condition - it is the term that a dermatologist would likely call it.

Regarding pimples, it is just a type of Acne Vulgaris. Pimples are the red bumps on your face with a white core. That is what pimple is, you could call it acne though... because it is a type of acne. There are other types of acne by the way, blackheads (open comedo) and whitehead (closed comedo). Maybe we could call it as forms of acne rather than types

The bottomline is, they are all caused by clogged pores and follicles due to something blocking then (eg. dirt, dead cells, chemicals, etc.). Treatment of these conditions are basically the same, so need not worry. I hope I opened up your mind with this post.

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